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Latest news2024-09-17T09:55:54+12:00
2408, 2023

Law changes another blow for NZ hospitality and retail industries

August 24th, 2023|Media Release|

Today Parliament has passed the Sale & Supply of Alcohol Act (Community Participation) Bill, making getting and renewing a liquor licence harder than it already was and threatening the commercial future of responsible hospitality [...]

1408, 2023

Science around potential benefits of moderate drinking remains undisputed

August 14th, 2023|Opinion|

It’s a well-established fact that, all things being equal, those that drink lightly to moderately live longer than those that do not drink at all. Yet every so often a “new” study makes headlines [...]

906, 2023

Strengthening community involvement in our licensing decisions is a good idea but this proposed new law is not the answer

June 9th, 2023|Media Release|

The Justice Select Committee has reported back on the Sale & Supply of Alcohol Act (Community Participation) Bill.  This Bill singled out licensing as a focus to strengthen community involvement and to reduce alcohol [...]

Ready to talk?

Do you or anyone you know have a problem with their drinking? Contact the Alcohol Drug Helpline for free and confidential advice.

Freephone 0800 787 797

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