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Stats NZ data confirms – we’re drinking differently


Just released Stats NZ data on beer, wine and spirits consumption December 2023 [1] shows that we are drinking less and are drinking in a different way. Our consumption has declined in the past year over all categories by 4.3% to 477 million litres.  Beer has declined by 4.4% to 281 million litres; wine [...]

Stats NZ data confirms – we’re drinking differently2024-03-12T16:38:57+13:00

NZ Health Survey finds the lowest rate of hazardous drinking since the survey began


The just released New Zealand annual Health Survey assessment of our health and wellbeing and the Stats NZ data shows positive change in our drinking behaviour [1]. “The Health Survey shows the lowest rate of hazardous drinking [2] since the survey began – sitting at 16% of the adult population (18.7% 2022). This reduction [...]

NZ Health Survey finds the lowest rate of hazardous drinking since the survey began2024-01-17T11:18:19+13:00

Global Standards Coalition promoting moderation among those who choose to drink


For millions of adults across the world, enjoying beer, wine and spirits in moderation is an important part of their social lives. The NZ Alcohol Beverages Council (NZABC) is a member of the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD) and supports the first-ever global alliance of its kind, the IARD Global Standards Coalition. This [...]

Global Standards Coalition promoting moderation among those who choose to drink2023-12-12T14:51:53+13:00

Actions to prevent underage drinking


The NZ Alcohol Beverages Council (NZABC) is a member of the International Alliance for  Responsible Drinking (IARD) who have recently launched a report that looks to share best practice and inspire further actions to prevent underage drinking. Actions to prevent underage drinking include responsible sales, preventing marketing to those underage, providing training and educational [...]

Actions to prevent underage drinking2023-11-21T14:19:40+13:00

Wellington bar owners’ plight exposes the deep-seated issues with the NZ alcohol licensing regime.


“Recent publicity of Wellington Bar owners concern over the litigious approach to alcohol licencing highlights a greater symptom of licencing problems faced by small businesses across New Zealand.” says NZABC Committee member and Brewers Association of NZ Executive Director Dylan Firth. “As a sector we whole heartedly support the message this group of Wellington [...]

Wellington bar owners’ plight exposes the deep-seated issues with the NZ alcohol licensing regime.2023-11-21T14:12:04+13:00

Law changes another blow for NZ hospitality and retail industries


Today Parliament has passed the Sale & Supply of Alcohol Act (Community Participation) Bill, making getting and renewing a liquor licence harder than it already was and threatening the commercial future of responsible hospitality and alcohol retail operators. “Parliament has today effectively determined that owning and operating a bar, pub, restaurant, cellar door, bottle [...]

Law changes another blow for NZ hospitality and retail industries2023-08-28T15:33:49+12:00

Heart Foundation claims misleading


“Statements by the Heart Foundation that there is “No Safe Level” of drinking beer, wine or spirits is, at worse, untrue and at best misleading”, says NZABC Executive Director Virginia Nicholls. “The statements released by the Heart Foundation fly in the face of over 40 years of independent scientific research.” “For adults who choose to drink, [...]

Heart Foundation claims misleading2023-07-03T19:40:01+12:00

Strengthening community involvement in our licensing decisions is a good idea but this proposed new law is not the answer


The Justice Select Committee has reported back on the Sale & Supply of Alcohol Act (Community Participation) Bill.  This Bill singled out licensing as a focus to strengthen community involvement and to reduce alcohol harm. “The beer, wines and spirits industry supports local communities being able to influence alcohol regulation in their region.  This [...]

Strengthening community involvement in our licensing decisions is a good idea but this proposed new law is not the answer2023-06-19T10:56:52+12:00

Youth drinking long term decline


We welcome the research by Dr Jude Ball from the University of Otago which shows youth drinking has declined and her research provides more understanding as to why this is the case. Dr Ball compared research from 2001 to 2022 and found that there is a significant improvement in the way the students are [...]

Youth drinking long term decline2023-05-31T12:59:16+12:00

Consumers facing significant increase in beer, wine and spirits excise tax


The year just got more challenging for producers, hospitality businesses and consumers of beer, wines and spirits with the announcement that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is 6.7%. “The 6.7% rise in the CPI is used as a benchmark to increase the excise tax on beer, wines and spirits.  The excise tax was $1.24 [...]

Consumers facing significant increase in beer, wine and spirits excise tax2023-04-21T11:26:26+12:00
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