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Heart Foundation claims misleading


“Statements by the Heart Foundation that there is “No Safe Level” of drinking beer, wine or spirits is, at worse, untrue and at best misleading”, says NZABC Executive Director Virginia Nicholls. “The statements released by the Heart Foundation fly in the face of over 40 years of independent scientific research.” “For adults who choose to drink, [...]

Heart Foundation claims misleading2023-07-03T19:40:01+12:00

Strengthening community involvement in our licensing decisions is a good idea but this proposed new law is not the answer


The Justice Select Committee has reported back on the Sale & Supply of Alcohol Act (Community Participation) Bill.  This Bill singled out licensing as a focus to strengthen community involvement and to reduce alcohol harm. “The beer, wines and spirits industry supports local communities being able to influence alcohol regulation in their region.  This [...]

Strengthening community involvement in our licensing decisions is a good idea but this proposed new law is not the answer2023-06-19T10:56:52+12:00

Youth drinking long term decline


We welcome the research by Dr Jude Ball from the University of Otago which shows youth drinking has declined and her research provides more understanding as to why this is the case. Dr Ball compared research from 2001 to 2022 and found that there is a significant improvement in the way the students are [...]

Youth drinking long term decline2023-05-31T12:59:16+12:00

Consumers facing significant increase in beer, wine and spirits excise tax


The year just got more challenging for producers, hospitality businesses and consumers of beer, wines and spirits with the announcement that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is 6.7%. “The 6.7% rise in the CPI is used as a benchmark to increase the excise tax on beer, wines and spirits.  The excise tax was $1.24 [...]

Consumers facing significant increase in beer, wine and spirits excise tax2023-04-21T11:26:26+12:00

Targeted education and support programmes are crucial to reduce harmful drinking – survey


Most of us agree that targeted education and support programmes will create a better understanding of responsible drinking, a recently released survey shows. The annual survey [i] by the NZ Alcohol Beverages Council aims to understand New Zealanders views on how alcohol is perceived across a number of issues. One question asked what respondents thought [...]

Targeted education and support programmes are crucial to reduce harmful drinking – survey2023-04-21T11:24:35+12:00

Stats NZ beer, wine and spirits consumption has the lowest number of standard drinks per person in the past 15 years


In the just released annual Stats NZ survey year ending December 2022 [i], the number of standard drinks (a standard drink contains 10 grams of alcohol) has fallen in the past year by 1% to 1.96 per day in 2022 which is the lowest number of standard drinks per person in the past 15 [...]

Stats NZ beer, wine and spirits consumption has the lowest number of standard drinks per person in the past 15 years2023-09-26T11:48:22+13:00

Three-quarters of kiwis comfortable with drinking in social situations almost half think we drink more than most other countries


As a lot of us head back to work a just released survey has found that three-quarters of New Zealanders say they are comfortable with drinking being part of normal Kiwi social occasions. The annual survey 1 by the NZ Alcohol Beverages Council aims to understand New Zealanders’ views on how alcohol is perceived. [...]

Three-quarters of kiwis comfortable with drinking in social situations almost half think we drink more than most other countries2023-02-07T10:44:03+13:00

“No and lo” and “sip and savour” drinking trends grow – survey


As 2022 nears its end a just released survey shows that the trend towards lower alcohol drinks and sipping and savouring higher strength drinks appears to be bedding in. The annual survey 1 by the NZ Alcohol Beverages Council aims to understand New Zealanders views on how alcohol is perceived across a number of [...]

“No and lo” and “sip and savour” drinking trends grow – survey2023-01-11T16:46:07+13:00

Stronger penalties and more education to reduce harmful drinking – survey


A just released survey confirms most of us agree when it comes to reducing harmful drinking – target the harmful drinker, use stiffer penalties and implement education programmes. The annual survey 1 by the NZ Alcohol Beverages Council aims to understand New Zealanders views on how alcohol is perceived across a number of issues. [...]

Stronger penalties and more education to reduce harmful drinking – survey2023-01-11T16:46:24+13:00

Responsible hosting over the festive season


With the festive season upon us and the celebrations that come with it, we need to put in place host responsibility measures for our guests. Provide plenty of food, a variety of beverages along with low and no alcohol options. The NZ Alcohol Beverages Council (NZABC) says we all have a part to play [...]

Responsible hosting over the festive season2022-12-19T13:02:55+13:00
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