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Latest news2024-09-17T09:55:54+12:00
512, 2023

Global Standards Coalition promoting moderation among those who choose to drink

December 5th, 2023|Media Release|

For millions of adults across the world, enjoying beer, wine and spirits in moderation is an important part of their social lives. The NZ Alcohol Beverages Council (NZABC) is a member of the International [...]

2109, 2023

How education can positively influence teens’ views on responsible drinking

September 21st, 2023|Opinion|

Opinion NZ Herald A recent opinion by Steve Randerson of the Health Coalition Aotearoa claims that occasional education sessions about alcohol are not effective. But this claim flies in the face not just of [...]

Ready to talk?

Do you or anyone you know have a problem with their drinking? Contact the Alcohol Drug Helpline for free and confidential advice.

Freephone 0800 787 797

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