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NZABC says it’s the first weekend of summer, so ‘go no, low and slow’ and look out for each other


MEDIA RELEASE 4 December 2020 The New Zealand Alcohol Beverages Council (NZABC) says the much-anticipated first weekend of summer has finally arrived, and there are some things we can do to help keep the summer safe and social for everyone. The majority of Kiwis are moderate and responsible drinkers when they’re out socialising at [...]

NZABC says it’s the first weekend of summer, so ‘go no, low and slow’ and look out for each other2021-01-08T15:30:01+13:00

Most Kiwis drinking moderately and responsibly but survey misses measuring health changes during COVID-19


MEDIA RELEASE 20 November 2020 NZ Alcohol Beverages Council says a just-released Ministry of Health (MOH) survey [1] on the state of New Zealanders’ overall health patterns has missed the opportunity to measure the impact of COVID-19 – and the next survey will also likely not reflect this. “Although the 2019/20 survey provides some [...]

Most Kiwis drinking moderately and responsibly but survey misses measuring health changes during COVID-192021-01-08T15:32:24+13:00

New Zealanders support all-of-society approach to tackling alcohol-related harm


MEDIA RELEASE 2 October 2020 Kiwis have strong views on how to reduce alcohol-related harm. A survey by the NZ Alcohol Beverage Council (NZABC) found 84% of New Zealanders support taking an all-of-society approach when it comes to reducing harmful drinking. “Kiwis support a pragmatic, all-of-society approach to reducing alcohol-related harm. The vast majority (80%) [...]

New Zealanders support all-of-society approach to tackling alcohol-related harm2021-01-08T15:33:43+13:00

Kiwis comfortable with alcohol on social occasions


MEDIA RELEASE 22 September 2020 Research into New Zealanders’ attitudes toward alcohol shows Kiwis are comfortable with alcohol in social situations. A study by the NZ Alcohol Beverages Council (NZABC) found 87% of New Zealanders say adults should be able to enjoy alcohol as part of a social occasion – and 76% of non-drinkers agreed [...]

Kiwis comfortable with alcohol on social occasions2021-01-08T15:35:00+13:00

Alcohol available for consumption continues downward trend


MEDIA RELEASE 25 August 2020 Just-released data from StatsNZ shows the amount of alcohol available for consumption per person over the legal purchase age continues a steady downward trend, and is now almost 10% per cent down from a decade ago (see Graph 1.) “The figures to the year ended June 2020, which includes [...]

Alcohol available for consumption continues downward trend2021-01-08T15:37:08+13:00

NZABC opposes harsher marketing rules proposed in Health and Disability System Review


MEDIA RELEASE 23 June 2020 Calls for harsher marketing rules for alcohol do not make sense in an already tightly regulated market, the NZ Alcohol Beverages Council (NZABC) said today in response to the Health and Disability System Review. “The just-released health review claims that alcohol was “marketed and made widely available by those with [...]

NZABC opposes harsher marketing rules proposed in Health and Disability System Review2020-06-23T12:57:45+12:00

Move to Alert Level 1 not a panacea


MEDIA RELEASE 8 June 2020 The NZ Alcohol Beverages Council (NZABC) says the move to Alert Level 1 is not the panacea it appears to be. “The hospitality sector was one of the first and hardest hit at Alert Level 4, and although Level 1 looks like ‘business as usual’ on paper the reality for [...]

Move to Alert Level 1 not a panacea2020-06-08T16:28:43+12:00

Global survey reveals NZ on-trend with decrease in alcohol consumption over lockdown


MEDIA RELEASE 5 June 2020 A just-released global survey has revealed the vast majority of people (84%) have consumed the same amount or less alcohol during COVID-19 lockdowns. The International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD) survey of more than 11,000 people covered nine countries, including New Zealand, and found almost one in three people (30%) [...]

Global survey reveals NZ on-trend with decrease in alcohol consumption over lockdown2020-06-05T13:32:33+12:00

It’s official – Hospo smashed by lockdown


MEDIA RELEASE 11th April 2020 Statistics New Zealand [i] has confirmed the worst, with its just-released figures showing card spend for hospitality food and beverage services has fallen a massive 95%, down $814 million in just one month. “We knew that restaurants, cafes and bars had taken a devastating hit because beer, wine and spirits [...]

It’s official – Hospo smashed by lockdown2020-06-05T13:30:01+12:00

Lessons from lockdown – no, low and slow is still the way to go


MEDIA RELEASE 4th April 2020 The NZ Alcohol Beverages Council (NZABC) says research shows Kiwis used lockdown as an opportunity to embrace the ‘no, low and slow’ approach to drinking. As a result, it’s hoped these behaviours will continue after lockdown. “The majority of Kiwis have continued to be moderate and responsible drinkers even under [...]

Lessons from lockdown – no, low and slow is still the way to go2020-05-04T09:53:21+12:00
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